Hong Took Tong Chinese Dramatic Company

The Hong Took Tong Chinese Dramatic Company was a San Francisco, California-based Chinese opera company who became the first major Asian American theatrical company in the country, inaugurating the first phase of the history of Chinese opera in the United States.[1] A performance in 1852 was the first Cantonese opera ever shown in the country.[2]


  • Koskoff, Ellen (ed.) (2000). Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume 3: The United States and Canada. Garland Publishing. ISBN 0-8240-4944-6. 


  1. ^ Pang, Cecilia J. (September 22 2005). "(Re)cycling culture: Chinese opera in the United States". Comparative Drama. http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/gi_0199-5884534/Re-cycling-culture-Chinese-opera.html. 
  2. ^ Zheng, Su. "Chinese Music". The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. pp. 957–966.